Friday, March 06, 2009

Low Cardinality != Bitmap Index

Sorry but this post is a bit of a rant. I was called into a performance issue yesterday. The users were complaining of slow performance. I issued extended SQL tracing on the session and found the SQL statement was a simple SINGLE ROW insert statement using bind variables. No triggers on the table.

What I found were hundreds of thousands of db file sequential read wait events to insert a single row. I checked out the data dictionary for any supporting indexes and found 10 indexes on the table, 4 of which were bitmap indexes. Fortunately, this was a 10g database, so the object number associated with the sequential reads were easily plucked using a simple AWK script.

wait #22: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 377 file#=17 block#=20988904 blocks=1 obj#=725386 tim=2691112678912

I found that nearly 99.99% of these wait events were owed to this object, a bitmap index.This application is not your standard OLTP as the underlying table gets loaded with thousands of rows each day with SINGLE ROW inserts. The dreaded concurrency and deadlocking did not come into play, well, because the load process is single threaded. However, all queries against this table need to perform very quickly. So, in that sense it has an OLTP face. Here is the rub. First, I asked if these indexes (in particular the bitmap indexes) could be dropped prior to their "load" and recreated after. The answer I received was essentially, "no, that is the way the application works." I then asked them to tell me why this index was a bitmap index. The developer stated the rationale was the fact that the data was uniformly distributed over 6 distinct values. I suppose that seems reasonable. I then asked the developer if this column was used in join conditions for other queries. The answer was a resounding NO.

Not to my surprise the index built as a standard b*tree index was just as efficient and lacked the horrific index maintenance overhead associated with SINGLE ROW inserts. The only reason the index was defined as a bitmap index was its cardinality and nothing more. I had them drop the index. The load that was taking 20+ hours to complete finished in under a minute. The lesson here is: Know your data, know your code and then evaluate the use of bitmap indexes to support your table access. The simple fact of low cardinality does not alone justify the use of a bitmap index. As a matter of fact, this bitmap index was so chubby that after it was re-created post load, it had been reduced in size by 99%. I suppose that is another point: Bitmap indexes aren't necessarily space savers either if used in an improper context.

BTW, the hundreds of thousands of blocks reads were not what you might have thought: locks against rows with the same bitmap as the inserted value for the bitmap column. Oracle was ranging over the index nonsensically looking for the proper place to dump the row. As the hundreds of thousands of sequential reads rolled by not a single TM lock was obtained and ZERO db block changes had accumulated. It was only when the row finally inserted that a few blocks changes showed up. This is just another example of a peculiarity with bitmap indexes that can crop up if used unlawfully.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Database Continuity

Ever just have a burning desire to do something that never seems to go away? For me, that desire has been to write a book; more specifically an Oracle technology-based book. (Okay, maybe a novel later on in life...) I thoroughly enjoy researching Oracle technology and finding solutions to puzzling questions. I am, however, pragmatic and seek to understand that which I can put to good use in the future.

I was recently discussing this desire with a colleague. I told him that I felt there was a need for a really good backup and recovery book. Actually, I expounded a bit and said that there is a need for a good database continuity book. It just feels that backup and recovery is an overused phrase for a dramatically underutilized and uncultivated set of skills. After all, how frequently are we involved in backup and recovery exercises? I would guess that backup and recovery activities comprise less than 5% of the time spent by a DBA during the course of any given year. That would be less than 100 hours in a full work year. I suspect it could be much less for some.

Isn't spending little or no time on backup and recovery a good thing? That does imply our systems are resilient and few faults surface that require us to exercise our recovery plan. And, in the age of RMAN we simply don't have to worry about the nuances of recovery, right? RMAN knows exactly what is needed for restoration, and all the DBA needs to do is execute a few commands to restore and recover the database. What technology has afforded us with regard to ease of backup configurations and redundant infrastructure, it has equally reduced our ability to confidently take control when up against a critical database recovery scenario. In short, we become complacent and our knowledge of backup and recovery diminishes over time. How confident are we that our backup strategy meets the recovery point (RPO) and recovery time (RTO) objective of our business?

I digress. Let’s get back to the conversation with my colleague and this notion of database continuity. I defined for him database continuity as follows: Database continuity is a superset of knowledge, processes and tools that fulfill the data protection requirements of an organization. By consequence, backup and recovery become processes in the continuity methodology. Database continuity is a broadened perspective of Oracle database recovery and is intended to include: disaster recovery, standby databases, archive log management, user-managed backups, RMAN, RPO and RTO, etc. Each of these aspects of database continuity requires the DBA to have a firm understanding of Oracle database recovery. If we truly understand recovery these different continuity dimensions converge rapidly. You can plug in your knowledge of recovery to assist with any dimension. So, while the notion of database continuity has greater breadth at face value, it can be reduced to recovery mechanics, constructs and objectives.

That being said, I have many ideas about a book on Oracle database continuity. However, I want to hear from you. What do you find lacking in the backup and recovery books on the market? Maybe one text speaks to an aspect for which you wish the author had given more detail. Or, maybe there is an overindulgence of certain topics that you wish had been left out. What material would help you retain and reuse your recovery knowledge? I am not out to write a book on RMAN or Data Guard; thousands of pages have already been devoted to the treatment of these technologies. I view guides on such topics as utilities to affect my recovery objectives and mobilize my recovery knowledge.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

RMAN, RAC, ASM, FRA and Archive Logs

The topic, as the title suggests, concerns RMAN, RAC, ASM and archive logs. This post is rather different than my prior posts, in that, I want to open up a dialogue concerning the subject matter. So, I’ll start the thread by posing a question: Are any of you that run RAC in your production environments backing up your archive logs to an FRA that resides in an ASM disk group (and of course backing up the archive logs to tape from the FRA)? Managing your free space within your FRA is paramount as are judicious backups of the FRA (actually these really go hand in hand). However, I am very interested in your experience. Have you come across and “gotchas”, bad experiences, positive experiences, more robust alternatives, extended solutions, etc.? Being somewhat of a backup and recovery junky, I am extremely interested in your thoughts. Let the dialogue commence!

Update: 03/26/2008

A colleague of mine has been doing some testing using RMAN, RAC, ASM, FRA for archive log management. Also, he has tested the integration of DataGuard into this configuration. To be more precise, he has tested using an FRA residing in an ASM disk group as the only local archive log destination. In addition to the local destination, each archive log is sent to the standby destination. Based on his testing this approach is rather robust. The archive logs are backed up via the "BACKUP RECOVERY AREA" command with a regular periodicity. This enables the FRA's internal algorithm to remove archive logs that have been backed up, once the space reaches 80% full. No manual intervention is required to remove the archive logs. Moreover, the archive logs in this configuration will only be automatically deleted from the FRA if both of the following are true: 1) the archive log has been backed up satisfying the retention policy and 2) the archive log has been sent to the standby. When there is a gap issue with the standby database, the archive logs are read from the FRA and sent to the standby. It works real nice!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Last Blog Entry (sysdate-364)

Well, it has been nearly one year, to the day, since my last post (sorry for the confessional like preamble). I was at a luncheon today with some former colleagues and some were asking me when I was going to start blogging again. I hope to start back up here pretty soon. So, if anyone is still dropping by, I hope to resume with some new material. However, I might try and keep it a bit less technical (fewer bits and more bytes); more light hearted, yet hopefully still informative and fun. Redo log dumps and SCN dribble probably sends most into a coma. Heck, I read some of my prior posts and nearly fell asleep. I will continue the "Oracle Riddles" posts as they seem to generate interesting and fun dialogue. The key is to have FUN with it. If blogging becomes a chore then you are doing it for the wrong reason. I actually visited Tom Kyte's blog this evening and started reviewing some of his more recent entries - to get the juices flowing. BTW, who is the chap with the Johnathan Lewis-ian beard pictured on his blog? :-).

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Physical Standby Turbo Boost

Is your physical standby database lagging way behind your production database? Maybe an outage to your standby environment has produced a lag that will not meet certain business requirements: reporting needs, disaster recovery time objective, testing, etc. When you don't have the luxury of performing a full production restore into your standby environment and your archive log files are not being consumed at an acceptable pace, you still have options that don't involve immediate architectural changes.

In some cases you can dramatically speed up your recovery time by copying a small subset of your production database to your standby environment and resume recovery. For example, if a large percentage of your database's write activity is absorbed by a small subset of your database you are primed for a standby recovery turbo boost. Notice I did not say small percentage of your data files. After all, you could have 90% of your writes going to 10% of your data files, but those data files might comprise 90% of your database footprint. In most cases a small percentage of your database files equates to a small subset of your database, but not always.

If a vast majority of writes go against a small subset of your database, how would copying these files to your standby give your recovery a boost? During recovery if Oracle does not need to recover a file it won't. All of those redo entries dedicated to recovering those files will just get passed over. Knowing this simple fact can help you get your physical standby database back on track to meet the needs of your business quickly.

The first order of business is to determine if the write skew condition exists in your database: those files, if copied to your standby, benefiting your recovery time the most. Fortunately, this information can be easily gathered using the v$filestat and v$datafile dynamic performance views in your production database. The following query will get you the top N most written to files in your database.

select * from
(select, b.phyblkwrt from v$datafile a, v$filestat b
where a.file# = b.file# order by 2 desc)
where rownum < N;

If you know the data files that are getting written to the most in production then you also know the most frequently written to files on your standby during recovery. If Oracle can skip over redo entries during recovery then you avoid all of that physical and logical I/O against your standby data files. To recover a database block you have to perform a read and a write of that block. If your writes are somewhat evenly distributed amongst the files in your database then it will be more difficult to get that turbo boost. But, if 60+% of your database writes are absorbed by <= 10% of the database footprint you could gain a significant boost in the recovery time by shipping those files to your standby.

I know this is a rather short post, but this little tidbit just might help you get out of a physical standby database recovery dilemma.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Logical Reads and Orange Trees

My previous post was a riddle aimed to challenge us to really think about logical I/O (session logical reads). Usually we think of I/O in terms of OS block(s), memory pages, Oracle blocks, Oracle buffer cache buffers, etc. In Oracle, a logical I/O is neither a measure of the number of buffers visited, nor the number of distinct buffers visited. We could of course craft scenarios yielding these results, but these would be contrived special cases - like an episode of Law and Order only better. Instead, logical I/O is the number of buffer visits required to satisfy your SQL statement. There is clearly a distinction between the number of buffers visited and the number of buffer visits. The distinction lies in the target of the operation being measured: the visits not the buffers. As evidenced in the previous post we can issue a full table scan and perform far more logical I/O operations than there are blocks in the table that precede the high water mark. In this case I was visiting each buffer more than one time gathering up ARRAYSIZE rows per visit.

If I had to gather up 313 oranges from an orchard using a basket that could only hold 25 oranges, then it would take me at least 13 visits to one or more trees to complete the task. Don't count the trees. Count the visits.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Oracle Riddles: What's Missing From This Code?

The SQL script below has one line intentionally omitted. The missing statement had a material impact on the performance of the targeted query. I have put diagnostic bookends around the targeted query to show that no DML or DDL has been issued to alter the result. In short, the script inserts 32K rows into a test table. I issue a query requiring a full table scan, run a single statement and rerun the same query - also a full table scan. While the second query returns the same number of rows, it performs far fewer logical I/O operations to achieve the same result set. Review the output from the script. Can you fill in the missing statement? Fictitious bonus points will be awarded for the Oracle scholar that can deduce the precise statement :)

/* Script blog.sql

spool blog.out
set feed on echo on;
select * from v$version;
drop table mytable;
create table mytable (col1 number) tablespace users;
insert into mytable values (3);
for i in 1..15 loop
insert into mytable select * from mytable;
end loop;
analyze table mytable compute statistics;
select count(*) from mytable;
select blocks from dba_tables where table_name = 'MYTABLE';
select blocks from dba_segments where segment_name = 'MYTABLE';
select index_name from user_indexes where table_name = 'MYTABLE';
set autot traceonly;
select * from mytable;
set autot off;
REM Bookends to show no DML or DDL statement has been executed.
select statistic#, value from v$mystat where statistic# in (4,134);
... missing statement
REM Bookends to show no DML or DDL statement has been executed.
select statistic#, value from v$mystat where statistic# in (4,134);
set autot traceonly;
select * from mytable;
set autot off;
select blocks from dba_tables where table_name = 'MYTABLE';
select blocks from dba_segments where segment_name = 'MYTABLE';
select index_name from user_indexes where table_name = 'MYTABLE';
select count(*) from mytable;
spool off;

End Script blog.sql */

/* Output

oracle@eemrick:SQL> select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
5 rows selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> drop table mytable;
Table dropped.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> create table mytable (col1 number) tablespace users;
Table created.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> insert into mytable values (3);
1 row created.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> begin
2 for i in 1..15 loop
3 insert into mytable select * from mytable;
4 commit;
5 end loop;
6 end;
7 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> analyze table mytable compute statistics;
Table analyzed.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select count(*) from mytable;
1 row selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select blocks from dba_tables where table_name =
1 row selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select blocks from dba_segments where segment_name =
1 row selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select index_name from user_indexes where table_name =
no rows selected
oracle@eemrick:SQL> set autot traceonly;
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select * from mytable;
32768 rows selected.

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 1229213413
Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost (%CPU) Time

0 SELECT STATEMENT 32768 65536 26 (4) 00:00:01

1 TABLE ACCESS FULL MYTABLE 32768 65536 26 (4) 00:00:01


1 recursive calls
0 db block gets
2248 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
668925 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
24492 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
2186 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
32768 rows processed
oracle@eemrick:SQL> set autot off;
oracle@eemrick:SQL> REM Bookends to show no DML or DDL statement has been
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select statistic#, value from v$mystat where statistic#
in (4,134);
---------- ----------
4 18 <-- Statistic #4 is user commits

134 461920 <-- Statistic #134 is redo size
2 rows selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> ... missing echo of statement
oracle@eemrick:SQL> REM Bookends to show no DML or DDL statement has been
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select statistic#, value from v$mystat where statistic#
in (4,134);
---------- ----------
4 18
134 461920
2 rows selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> set autot traceonly;
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select * from mytable;
32768 rows selected.

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 1229213413
Id Operation Name Rows Bytes Cost (%CPU) Time

0 SELECT STATEMENT 32768 65536 26 (4) 00:00:01

1 TABLE ACCESS FULL MYTABLE 32768 65536 26 (4) 00:00:01


0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
173 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
282975 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
1667 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
111 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
32768 rows processed
oracle@eemrick:SQL> set autot off;
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select blocks from dba_tables where table_name =
1 row selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select blocks from dba_segments where segment_name =
1 row selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select index_name from user_indexes where table_name =
no rows selected
oracle@eemrick:SQL> select count(*) from mytable;
1 row selected.
oracle@eemrick:SQL> spool off;

End Output */

Clue: The missing statement is not "alter system set do_less_work = true;"