Friday, January 04, 2008

Last Blog Entry (sysdate-364)

Well, it has been nearly one year, to the day, since my last post (sorry for the confessional like preamble). I was at a luncheon today with some former colleagues and some were asking me when I was going to start blogging again. I hope to start back up here pretty soon. So, if anyone is still dropping by, I hope to resume with some new material. However, I might try and keep it a bit less technical (fewer bits and more bytes); more light hearted, yet hopefully still informative and fun. Redo log dumps and SCN dribble probably sends most into a coma. Heck, I read some of my prior posts and nearly fell asleep. I will continue the "Oracle Riddles" posts as they seem to generate interesting and fun dialogue. The key is to have FUN with it. If blogging becomes a chore then you are doing it for the wrong reason. I actually visited Tom Kyte's blog this evening and started reviewing some of his more recent entries - to get the juices flowing. BTW, who is the chap with the Johnathan Lewis-ian beard pictured on his blog? :-).


Blogger mathewbutler said...

But some poeple like all that REDO and SCN stuff...

I considered these well thought out and interesting posts.

Best Regards,

2/09/2008 11:25 AM  
Blogger Eric S. Emrick said...

Thanks for the feedback Mathew. I didn't say I would totally abstain :) I just thought I might generate more discussion by keeping the content a little lighter. But, if people like these types of articles, I will certainly try to keep them coming. Maybe, I could open up a: "How does Oracle do that?" series of posts. Readers and myself could share ideas and/or provide comments based on independent research. The topic could be open and could serve as a call for others to exercise their inquisitive nature.

Thanks again for the feedback.


2/09/2008 11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back, stranger ;-)

But some poeple like all that REDO and SCN stuff...

I agree

Maybe, I could open up a: "How does Oracle do that?" series of posts.

Sounds like an interesting idea

2/09/2008 2:51 PM  
Blogger Eric S. Emrick said...

Hi Doug,

It is good to be back :). Thanks for keeping an interest in my blog!


2/10/2008 9:02 PM  
Blogger Prasad said...

Hello Eric,

Good to see you start blogging again.

Prasad Kotipalli

2/17/2008 1:54 PM  
Blogger Eric S. Emrick said...

Hello Prasad,

It is great to hear from you. Hopefully I will have some new material within the next few weeks. If you have any topics of interest you would like to discuss please let me know. I have been wanting to revisit a blog entry I wrote a couple years ago about "Reliable Hot Backups without Oracle Intervention". I have received many emails about the topic and have never fully addressed HOW it works. My initial post only stated THAT it works. However, it is demonstrably easy to prove with a real world example and some very basic recover concepts.


2/17/2008 6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we like the REDO and SCN stuff. More, please.

Maybe you should write a "How does Oracle do that" book, eh? I suggested to Mr. Kyte in an email back in 96 or so that he write a book, I told him that I would buy a copy - look what happened. It's been more than 10 years since I have suggested that anyone write a book... I suspect there would be plenty of buyers for another well-written take on Oracle. Something to think about, anyway.

3/09/2008 4:50 AM  
Blogger Eric S. Emrick said...


First, your suggestion to write a book is a terrific compliment, as is being mentioned in the same sentence as Mr. Kyte. Secondly, while I would LOVE to write a book that explores some of the more obscure under-the-hood aspects of the Oracle RDBMS, it takes a tremendous amount of time and dedication. And, that is just for the blog entries! Not to mention, Mr. Kyte has stated that writing technical books is not a very profitable prospect :) Either way, it is a very interesting notion. If I were not in graduate school I would definitely look to either write more Oracle-centric white papers or maybe even an Oracle-centric book. I sincerely appreciate your feedback.

Best Regards,

3/09/2008 6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its been again sysdate-360+ days something since the last post came so just thought to remind you ;-). About the posts, I must say, I always wake up from my sleep when I read one of your posts.I love internals and your posts are among the best ones when it comes to that. So whenever you want to, your posts are always welcome!


2/17/2009 10:26 PM  
Blogger Eric S. Emrick said...

Hello Aman. Thank you for the kind words. Yes, for some reason I simply cannot find the time to devote to blogging. I want to write meaningful material but have been so busy the past two years. Maybe I will have more time this year as I truly enjoy learning and exploring new topics. Thanks for stopping by.

2/18/2009 5:56 PM  
Blogger Aman.... said...

As I mentioned earlier, your blog and writing style, is among the most sorted ones! I love internals, the way how oracle works, is the most interesting part for me and your posts are just the best ones on this topic. I completely understand that at times, despite of the ideas, the posts don't come out. I just hope that this year, you do come back to blogsphere again!

2/18/2009 10:25 PM  
Blogger daspeac said...

it seems you have never heard about the dbceck sql database repair tool

11/26/2010 1:00 PM  

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